Renting Vs Buying a Generator: My Expert View

As an expert in the power industry, I would like to provide my perspective on renting versus buying a generator. At our company Premium Power Solutions, we receive numerous requests for generator rentals for various applications, such as power outages at institutions such as banks, schools, hospitals, and places of worship, as well as for […]


Hybrid power is getting increasingly popular and I decided to write about it after attending an event organised by Powr2. Let me start by defining it. Hybrid power is the combination of two or more energy technologies to increase system efficiency.  I personally think that the hybrid concept can provide a high level of power […]

The Environmental Impact Of Generator Usage And How To Minimise It In Nigeria

In Nigeria, where electricity supply can be unreliable, generators have become a common solution to meet the power needs of households, businesses, and industries. However, the extensive use of generators comes with environmental consequences. In this article, I will discuss the environmental impact of using generators in Nigeria and explore strategies to minimise their adverse […]

The advantages of using Diesel Generators versus Petrol Generators

Generators have become an indispensable part of our lives in Nigeria, providing a reliable power source during power outages and in areas without access to the main grid. Among the various types of generators, diesel and petrol generators are the most commonly used options. In this article, I will explore the advantages of using diesel […]

The Benefits/Importance of Using a Rental Generator During Planned Maintenance of Permanent Generators

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses and industries heavily rely on a stable and uninterrupted power supply to maintain operations. Permanent generators serve as a reliable backup power solution during unexpected downtime. However, even these critical power sources require periodic maintenance to ensure optimal performance and reliability. During planned maintenance of permanent generators, businesses face the […]

How to choose the right generator size for your project, or establishment.

In my 9 years of dealing with generators, I have come across hundreds of individuals who approach me with intentions of purchasing a generator and I must say that 50% of the time their conclusions are usually incorrect.   A common mistake most intending buyers make is choosing a generator that is disproportionate to the size […]

Common Generator-Related Problems And How To Troubleshoot Them

After purchasing a generator, it’s your responsibility to ensure it operates optimally by carefully reading the user and maintenance manual, creating or building a conducive well, ventilated generator house and identifying basic gen-related problems. For the purpose of this article, I have put together a list of common symptoms, the likely problems and how to […]